4 Ways For Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses to Stay Connected During COVID-19

Entrepreneurs and small business owners are no strangers to challenges and obstacles experienced in the normal course of business. Throw in a global pandemic with stay in place orders, bans on travel, and a cascade of actions by government closing everything from schools to restaurants, you may be wondering as an entrepreneur/business owner how you will navigate this new territory. Here are four safe and sanitary ways that you can stay connected during this unprecedented time.

1. Check In – Create a list of 5-10 contacts (or more) per day and give them a call or send a text message/email to let them know you are thinking about them. Emails and messages should be brief and conversational and it is your role in these conversations to be the “most calm person in the room.” The objective is to get back on your contact’s radar – not to educate or sell.

2. Broker Relationships – Think about the people in your network where you can make introductions. This is a great way to help others expand their networks and to keep you top of mind. Remember to include a line or two about each person you are introducing.

3. Create Content – Are you a health coach with simple meal recipes or workouts? Share it. Do you have a restaurant that is offering delivery or curbside service? Share it. Do you build websites? Sell real estate? Share a list of tips or answers to the most common questions you get from your clients.

4. Increase Activity Online – In addition to sharing the content you just created, like and comment on others’ pages and posts. Take the time to also update your bio, contact information, experience and skill summaries, menus, etc. Consider the type of work you want to get and write out a few bullet points to include in your online profile, stories and posts.

5. Bonus: Build Your Skills – This is not necessarily a strategy to connect with others, but it can pay dividends in the short- and long-term. Is there a niche in your industry or market that you could learn more about? What about a skill that would allow you to provide more value to clients? Use this time to learn a new skill or educate yourself in a specific niche.

Forward progress, no matter how small is positive progress. Stay proactive and take care of yourself.